Friday, June 29, 2012

The Very Last Artwork of Claudia222 Jewell @ Madpea Base

As you may have heard big changes are happening at MadPea. Sanity Falls, MadPea’s most famous hunt of all times with more than 3.000 players is ending June 30th. Starting with July 1st all Madpea sims will close for a major reconstruction. Kaaos, Reaction, Storybook and the store will be still accessible, just moved around. Show and Tell will pause for one week and then be held again regularly.  So, what will be come instead? MadPea head Kiana Writer has huge plans. Besides the construction of the biggest Madpea game ever, Madpea Base is going to have a complete new face. The MadPea team is more than happy, that Kiana Writer won Claudia222 Jewell for the central build.

Claudia222 Jewell
Claudia222 is one of the stars in the Second Life art scene, although she is relatively new as artist. When she joined Second Life about five years ago, she got a TP to a free sex sim before she even knew how to move in SL. She could not find an exit and logged out frustrated, thinking that this was SL. More than two years later she tried again to join SL after an invitation by friends who told hear about 3D building. This time she began to do that, what her main interest was and still is. 

The statues of Claudia222 are very much different from those of other builders in SL. They look lively, organic, if not to say erotic. “Since childhood I loved to design and paint and anatomy always was my main interest.”, explains Claudia222. “I need them lively because the base of all life is organic. That’s why I always add moving parts to my statues.” Many of her statues are goddesses. Claudia:  “I am not related to any religion, I am referring with my works to prehistoric religions where the people believed in nature and sacrificial gifts to the gods to change the world.” Her latest work was her installation “Spirits”, homage to Hieronymus Bosch.  I f you haven’t seen yet, you should not miss it.

It was shock for us to hear that Claudia222 Jewell stops creating art in SL. Of course we asked for the reasons: “I am disappointed that mesh is no longer being developed in Second Life. All projects as normal map support and free bones have been stopped. I have to look out for other options to learn more about building. I will now concentrate on the creation of avatars. And yes, also in SL.” 

Claudia placed yesterday her last and for sure creepiest artwork on Madpea base: Cthulhu and his helpers. It bases on the most popular short story "The call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft The story caused a complete mythos. Millions of years a go he came to earth with his entourage Cthulhu is described as being " octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature.... The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at subconscious level, and also the subject of worship by a number of religions. The short story asserts the premise that, while currently trapped, the Cthulhu will eventually return...

Now he returned to Second Life and we look forward to a horrible, creepy and spooky MadPea Base!

Come and see before the sim closes on Sunday:

by Quan Lavender


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Goodbye Sanity Falls - ramblings and spoilers from the creator

Dear Peas, 

A little note from the creator, as we're getting close to the end of Sanity Falls. *sigh* 
At this very moment we have 3070 players and it's just blowing me away. 
Sanity Falls is likely the last hunt of this scale and I truly hope that you have enjoyed it. In the future we're focusing on more bigger adventure games as well as smaller monthly hunts. 
From Sunday on the access to the island will be closed, so make sure to enjoy till it lasts. 

Just to make sure you've caught all parts of the storyline, keep reading.. if you haven't completed the game yet, stop now! 

Did you stop?


  (¸¸.•´ ¯¨•.¸¸`•** (WARNING, SPOILERS HERE)  **•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸)

Without further explanations some parts and tricky puzzles explained below: 

1. This game was inspired by one of my favourite movie of all times, The Game. A man buys a live-action game as a birthday present to his brother who thinks he's got it all and doesn't appreciate it one bit.

My goal was to truly immerse the player into the shoes of Alexander Blackwell, desperate to save his wife forgetting his other worries in life. As this game was done as a hunt, it loses some of the gameflow naturally, but all in all, I felt we managed to succeed to let the player experience a range of emotions and based on your feedback the timer surely freaked some people out. The timer as you know by now, is only there to measure your progress AND drive you crazy.. 

Any resemblance to Alan Wake - apart from the bridge is purely coincidental. Those who know me (and whine at me about it..) know that I'm not a big gamer myself.. I panic already playing Pacman.. Tetris and Mario Kart are plenty of excitement for me. :) My inspirations came from the Game and Twin Peaks - the most amazing tv show there ever was.
Saying this, it's a huge honour to be compared to Alan Wake, as we play in a very minor league compared to those big guys. So, let's go to the spoilers, shall we.. 

2. The biggest hint of all is Livea's name.. as you are starting this Livea = Alive. :)

3. If you check the guest book in the tavern, you will find out three things: 
 - EE Logo - you see this in many many many places in Sanity Falls. Sanity Falls is a ghost town that the EE company (EE = Extreme Experiences) took as their base for the live-action games and built part of it up again. 

During non-game time they live in the houses and there are traces of this left.. Ice cream in the Butcher's freezer.. a washing machine with EE sock left inside it.. EE coffee cup in a cottage etc.

- Rune Bellic rented cottage number 1 - if you search for his profile, you realize that he's the EE employee of the month and looking at this picture, he's the person who tortured/killed Livea. 
In the final video you see Livea and Rune having beers together in the tavern. ;) Rune was brought in, as he's excellent with torturing and acting.  

- Livea and Alex live in cottage 3. If you go and search Cottage 3, you will find Alex' journal and read about his life. How stressed out and paranoid he was before coming to Sanity Falls. Paranoia however.. he was on to something as the EE agents were following him for months, making sure he can handle his 'game'. 

4. Phone spell! WOOT! Did I tell you how I love ciphers.. well, phone spell is pretty awesome. 

So like spelling HELP, look at your keypad on your phone and the numbers above those letters.. it comes to 4357. 

Phone spelling was used a lot in this game. ALL the phonenumbers that you dialled from the posters actually.. guess what? Yes, they spell the store names! That explains why some of them were so short and some long. For example 662-847 = Noctis.

5. And now the things that have driven you completely insane: 

* The VAULT.. dun dun duuuun...  It wasn't necessary to do this, but so many of you tried and made it... woot! I truly admire determination and there were many funny moments.. my favourite was when our baddie voiceover guy was stuck inside the vault shouting at ppl in voice to help him or he will force them to 'Play a game' and other sentences not suitable for printing.. 

Ok, so entering the room where the vault is.. there are images of the bank managers on the wall. Look at their names and the dates. 

1. Harrison Greene 1925 -1936
2. Eleanor Browne 1936 - 1938
3. Violet Dresden 1938 -1948
4. Beau Bloodsaw 1948 -1956
5. Amber Young  1956 -1959
6. Earl Grey  1959 -1969

This translates to.. 
Colour code for keypad:
= 526140

* Keypad 1 at EE HQ
 storage room door whispers: You have entered the EE underground facilities. Please use keypad to OPEN the door.

You literally have to OPEN the door. Using the phonespelling.. 
O =6
P =7
E =3
N =6

enter :D

* Keypad2 at EE HQ
Door whispers: Welcome to Extreme Experiences, Alex. Did you realize what the population of this place spells? That's right, Alex, this was a setup just for you. Now enter that digit to go in and get answers.  

Yes this was easier.. the number is on our website and the signs all over the town. 
7767. That's what you have to key in.. but if you wanna look at phonespelling again 
7767 = PROP. 

6. Dreamscenes

The dreamscenes are meant to describe what's going on inside Alex' head.
One of the scenes actually sent me in the bathroom to throw up while we were making it = definite approval.. Harter was pleased. 

If you haven't played the game and want to see the surreal settings, try THIS and THIS

7. Inside EE HQ

Oh wait.. actually getting there. DO NOT JUMP OFF The bridge. Just click Alex' ghost and wait. Let it animate you and place you to the right location.. don't be impatient..

Notice the monitors? The images are of the various surveillance cameras around Sanity Falls.. you were being watched the whole time.. 

Find two pieces of paper.. one addressed to Rune Bellic.. the supervisor of EE from Alex' doctor who's evaluated him to be perfectly fit to the game and with a 85% probability will jump off the bridge if he loses Livea under certain circumstances.

Alex realizes this.. "They were testing me?! I guess they had to find out how to push my buttons and what I was capable off. What an amazing plan.. I'm now quite tempted to kill Livea myself for putting me through this.. "

This actually leads me to a blog that's been my favourite write up of Sanity Falls. Scroll all the way down.. 

Once you've clicked your first final prize, you'll get a little video message from Livea.

That's it! Or is it.. 

As a little extra I wanted to give you all some of our famous Finlandia vodka. ;)

Now, if I didn't have the amazing team I had... the following things would have happened: 
 - Open the EE manhole lid.. get blown up and die - tp home.
 - Jump off the bridge - die - tp home.
 - Bank puzzle, a couple of posters in the vault, and not possible to tp in without solving the puzzle.. 
- Try to leave the island with the boat - Game over, restart. :P

They managed to twist my arm to be nice.. but just wait for the next big game.. I'll convince them all with my super evilness.. muahahaha..  

Our special Eolene added some humorous touch all over the island too that cracked us up.. we have 'Twisted' game in one of the houses, a blow up doll in a window.. a totally hilarious poster of Lionel Richie 'Hello, is it me you're looking for'..  and  several little easter eggs around the sim. :) Oh, and please walk around those bushes that make noise.. it took hours and hours to plant them.. :D 

Oh, and one more thing.. I've been asked.. Kiana, who's Brett??? 
That's of course Brett Linden, our super amazing MadPea supporter and we so love him. :D

Seeing your story come to life is a feeling that just makes you so incredibly humbled, having over 3000 people playing it = priceless.

Sanity Falls was truly created with love, passion and all kinds of bodily fluids. 
My sincere thanks go to everyone involved in the creation process.. 
MadPea Crew Hunt Creators
Madcow Cosmos
Smiley Dyrssen
Harter Fall
Midgard Ibanez
Clicquot Oh
paramparamm Papp
Lorin Tone
Eolene Uralia

with special thanks to
Zachh Barkley (Co-writing, xplosive fx)
Colin Nilsson (Video & Alex voiceover)
Yelena Istmal (Furniture and interior design)
Jaimy Hancroft (Alex avatar = skin, shape, clothes, boots & accessories)
Electronic Mode (SF poster & 'blueprints')
Geoffrey Xenobuilder (scripting madness)
Sebastien Aries (Alex hair)
Cold Frog (styling assistance)
House (Baddie voiceover)
Waghorne Truss (creative assistance)
Rowanessque Whitewood (blogs)
Quan Lavender (blogs)
Nomica Juliesse (creative assistance)
Fuzz Difference (stand by scripting assistance)
Tichelle Teebrook (vendor wrangling assistance)
Fatty Kidd (laundromat build)
Bo Depretes (video music)
Arduenn Schwartzman (mirror fx)

and our ever amazing sponsor
Cha Klaar

as well as the 50 amazing stores and their fabulous owners and all of you green little things. 

Thank you! I promise the next adventure will be even better..

Kiana & the hundreds of ticking clocks in Sanity Falls.. (or maybe the ticking was just in your head...)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Here the First Show and Tell Entry!

Sunday is Show and Tell day and we already can present the first entry:

This build by Kanashimi Mac - scripter kan change into countless different forms. It is simply great. Don't miss that! Up to 6 entries are possible and we hope that YOU will participate too. Here are some works of last weak:

As you see, all varietes of works are highly welcome. That is part of the fun of Show and Tell. Come and join Show and Tell, the place where all creative minds in SL come together. You can either choose to present your latest creation or sit in the audience to meet with others and see what new stuff is out there.

 There will be L$ prizes split among all presenters, the pot will begin at L$1,000, but audience members are encouraged to toss more into the pot and usually gets pretty big.

See you at 2pm SLT!


6 Days Left of Sanity Falls

׺°”˜`”°º×20 Reasons to play Sanity Falls before it ends׺°”˜`”°º×

1. NyanX3 Resident: 'Wow i love this hunt. So different so fun... The sim design was amazeing and the items that were added as gifts... WOW do another one :D

2.  Herrick Lane: 'This is really awesome! I love finding stuff like this in SL! Great job!'

3.  Pixels Sideways: 'I blame all my future nightmares on the creators....  '

4.   Xiola Linden: 'spooky. love it!'

5.   Trinity Vuissent: 'Breathtaking - I am hooked. '

6.  Jalina Haven: 'Such a beautiful visit. I especially love the..DEAR GODS WHAT WAS THAT?! *the rest of the page is coverd in blood*'

7. Melina Genesis: 'This is amazing I wish I had known about your other hunts.  I love this game!'

8.  Walker McCullough: 'Well done you creative, evil bastards!

9. Finneli Felwitch: 'Has some dinner at the tavern, think I am being followed.'

10. Starlight Silverspar: ' you babe - i'' find you!'

11. Starr Jetaime: 'this was a great mystery. very difficult at the end but worth it.

12. justum Resident: 'Thank you so very much for the wonderful game. I hope to see a lot of games from you in the future. It's surprising every time. One comment...please let us be able to tip more!'

13.  Graydirk Enoch: 'Amazing Hunt!  Y'all make the most challenging and puzzling events in SL.  Keep up the great work!'

14. Accord Carling: 'WHERE IS SHE?  I AM DESPERATE'

15.  Bryn Oh: 'I solved it!  It was the butterfly.'

16.  Tristan Tchailenov: 'Where is she. find her, find her, find her, find her, find her, find her , find her, find her, find her, find her.'

17. Anquette Ansari: 'tried to stop her from being kidnapped..omgos so sorry alex..(lol)
great game

18. Cloud Teardrop: 'Thank you for an excellent adventure and to those that shared it. MadPea. Well done!!'

19.   Alia Baroque: 'Looking for wives to torture on spare time, call 22377721, weekends.'

20. There are over 400 more comments like these.. convinced yet? No? Watch THIS. Still not sure? Hmm... don't make me come and grab you by your ankles..  The sim will be gone in a week, so.. Hurry! Save Livea before it's too late..

Remember that help available in group chat at all times, so even an inexperienced player will be able to complete the game.

Start HERE

Friday, June 22, 2012

Wraith goes and hides for the summer holiday

Hello Peas! The Where's Wraith quest that is going on at Gumi's Flower shop currently, will be the last one for a while. 

The Winner this week was Daffodil Crimsom who even surprised herself when she won! She admitted to have been overthinking the puzzles. 

We had a total blast sitting next to poor Wraith for four hours to get the three winners to win Linden Prizes.

[16:12]  Kiana Writer: I just adore you guys.. you've not tried to bribe or blackmail Daffodil here yet lol
[16:12]  Daffodil Crimson: ones asked for a hint in my ims
[16:12]  meghan Flinders: is that an option?
[16:12]  Trapped Wraith: Let me out! I wanted to eat some cake, not be eaten by this trap!
[16:13]  Kiana Writer: lol
[16:13]  kraket Bowler: oh i forgot to do that now i will :D
[16:13]  Eleri Ethaniel: no, but I'm ready to hit this lock with acid if it woun't let me try
[16:13]  kraket Bowler: (kiddin)
[16:13]  Trapped Wraith: Let me out! I wanted to eat some cake, not be eaten by this trap!
[16:13]  TK (tk.moody): stupid time out
[16:13]  Daffodil Crimson: i've been around long enough to be immune to blackmail
[16:13]  Trapped Wraith: Let me out! I wanted to eat some cake, not be eaten by this trap!
[16:13]  Eleri Ethaniel: *pacepacepace*
[16:14]  Kiana Writer: I might fall for cheesecake..
[16:14]  Kyle Beckett waits for the locks
[16:14]  SuzieQX2 Oh: <<<<< *beating head on keyboard*
[16:14]  TK (tk.moody): Doesn't do much good when it times out on you lol.
[16:14]  Daffodil Crimson: someone pass me sandpaper so i can smooth down the top of the stick its no good to anyone
[16:14]  Eleri Ethaniel: yeah, it did that to me a couple times, too TK
[16:15]  Trapped Wraith: Let me out! I wanted to eat some cake, not be eaten by this trap!
[16:15]  Eleri Ethaniel: Noooooooooooooooooooo!
[16:15]  Trapped Wraith: Kyle Beckett has completed the mission
[16:15]  Kyle Beckett: WOOHOO!
[16:15]  Kiana Writer: yayyyyyyy
[16:15]  Eleri Ethaniel: yay Kyle!
[16:15]  Kiana Writer: congrats Kyle!!!
[16:16]  TK (tk.moody): wtg
[16:16]  Tai'lahr (tailahr.winnikow) claps her hands.
[16:16]  SuzieQX2 Oh: Grats Kyle!!!!!!!!!
[16:16]  Daffodil Crimson: yay someone bar me got it at last
[16:16]  Liam (ladyliam): Gratz
[16:16]  SuzieQX2 Oh: woohoo!
[16:16]  Daffodil Crimson: congratz kyle
[16:16]  Kyle Beckett: thanks all
[16:16]  Melli Belli (mellina.ashbourne): grats
[16:16]  Tai'lahr (tailahr.winnikow): Is there a line to get a turn to try?
[16:16]  Kiana Writer: don't vanish please
[16:16]  Kiana Writer: lol
[16:16]  Kiana Writer: I needs pics of the 3 winners
[16:17]  Ami Tamura: who's 2nd place? I was afk?
[16:17]  Kiana Writer: who's going to be the next one..
[16:17]  Daffodil Crimson: kyle
[16:17]  Kiana Writer: Kyle
[16:17]  Trapped Wraith: Let me out! I wanted to eat some cake, not be eaten by this trap!
[16:17]  Eleri Ethaniel: Daff, Kyle and who else?
[16:17]  Kyle Beckett: just me and Daff
[16:17]  Kiana Writer: yes.. who is going to be the next one.. and win 300L.. no pressure..
[16:17]  Daffodil Crimson: nooo no pressure at all
[16:17]  meghan Flinders: nice tats kyle......
[16:18]  Ami Tamura: damn it. I can't get the lock to respond.
[16:18]  Tai'lahr (tailahr.winnikow): So, how do we get a turn to try?
[16:18]  TK (tk.moody): You click the lock.
[16:18]  Ami Tamura: it's not letting me
[16:18]  Tai'lahr (tailahr.winnikow): Um, it's always in use.
[16:18]  Ami Tamura: :S
[16:18]  TK (tk.moody): That's because people click it like crazy lol.
[16:18]  Daffodil Crimson: on the lock specifically
[16:18]  Trapped Wraith: Eleri Ethaniel has completed the mission
[16:18]  Eleri Ethaniel: WOOO!
[16:18]  Kiana Writer: WooT
[16:18]  Ami Tamura: grrr
[16:18]  Kiana Writer: Eleri!
[16:18]  TK (tk.moody): wtg
[16:18]  Eleri Ethaniel: was thinking too hard
[16:18]  Liam (ladyliam): NOW TELL US THE ANSWER!

Here's the final three: 

Eleri Ethaniel, Kyle Beckett & Daffodil Crimson

Wraith will likely return after the summer break, but meanwhile there are absolutely huge things brewing at the Peapod. Our blogger Quan Lavender will be updating you weekly to give you the juiciest sneakpeeks to our biggest adventure game ever called Unia. 

I'd just love to tell you everything we've planned already.. but that would ruin one huge surprise.. so best keep you waiting. 

Go and complete Wraith meanwhile and stay tuned, we have several cool new things coming soon! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4th Where's Wraith Hunt Starts Today: Gumi's Flower Shop

Again it is Wednesday and time for the next Where's Wraith round! Today's destination is Gumi's Flower Shop.

 Here's how the hunt works: 
 - We will announce the Quest start point on our channels (Group chat & notice, Blog and Facebook) at 12pm SLT on Wednesdays.
- You will meet a pea character on that start point. Click it to receive your first clue. The clue takes you on a small quest that will eventually reveal the whereabouts of Wraith.
- Pay attention to the conversations you have with the characters. If you have missed something, you can always restart.

 What are the prizes: 
    -  The first 3 persons to solve the puzzle and find Wraith will win 1000L for the first, 500L for the send and 300 Linden for the third place.  -  Everyone who successfully find him will receive a brand new prize from the creator that we have chosen that week. Today's participating creator is Gumi Yao, owner of Gumis Flower Shop.The prize is a carnivorous plant.

Gumi's Flower Shop is known for  flower arrangement, garden flowers and some food, animated animals or landscape items.

- WHERE'S WRAITH WEDNESDAYS happen each Wednesday from 12PM SLT time lasting for a week.

Come today at 12 PM SLT! The first three hunters will get Linden prizes!

Hunt start here:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Big Announcement

As promised earlier this week, it's time to make a big announcement.. of something that has been brewing at the Peapod for a bit..

Yes, the rumours that you have heard are true.. big changes are happening at MadPea!
As you all know, our most famous hunt of all times, Sanity Falls, is coming to its end June 30th.

What you didn't know, is that Sanity Falls & Hoshi Island are not the only things that are closing then.
We are also closing MadPea Base and Tupol Island for an unknown time period for a total remodelling.
That means that apart from a few small areas that are used for events and our older games, the whole MadPea will be closed for a little while.

Kaaos, Reaction, Storybook and our store will be still accessible, just moved around. VMD will stay until the end of July and then it will vanish. Show and Tell & Where's Wraith Wednesdays will continue and more events and smaller games are coming very soon. So, not to worry, you will be still entertained during our creation period.

While it's sad to say goodbye to our islands as they are, I can guarantee that it's totally worthwhile to wait for the new ones! We are teaming up with the best of the best on the grid... as well as coming up with one interactive, haunting and mysterious island, we are doing a whole full-blown adventure game that is spread on two islands. It will be the most unforgettable, disturbing and the scariest experience from MadPea yet.

Can't wait? Stay tuned on our channels: MadPeas group, Blog and Facebook. We will be posting sneakpeeks and updates of the process there.

Curious of the new look? Well, here's the first ever sneakpeek, by claudia222 Jewell:

This evil character will be the centerpiece for many many creepy things & nightmares to come..

Stay tuned, stay mad..

Sunday is Show and Tell Day!

Come and join Show and Tell, the place where all creative minds in SL come together. You can either choose to present your latest creation or sit in the audience to meet with others and see what new stuff is out there. You know we all love NEW STUFF!!

If you'd like to present, it's a good idea to show up a little early and let us know...we think the board will fill up pretty quickly.

If you're going to present, please show only items that you have made. 
Please note in advance that the showing area is 25 x 25 meters, in a circle....
please be able to fit your build in that area.

If you'd like to come and just observe, please do, it should be a lot of fun!

There will be L$ prizes split among all presenters, the pot will begin at L$1,000, but audience members are encouraged to toss more into the pot and usually gets pretty big.

See you at 2pm SLT!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sanity Falls Prizes - Mustang Trading Post

Hello Peas, still time 'til the end of month to play Sanity Falls, which has almost 3.000 players so far. So hurry and see once more one of the great gifts.Today we talk to Jon Ree, owner of Mustang Trading Post:

MadPea: Thank you for participating the Sanity Falls hunt. Tell our readers about your work and your products. 

Jon Ree: Mustang Trading Post specializes in turquoise jewelry for men and women. Most pieces are inspired by the desert southwest of the US, also cowboy and cowgirl influences. We also have other clothing and accessories that are seasonal like scarves, swimwear.

MadPea: And what is your prize for the hunters?

Jon Ree: I hope hunters will enjoy the Ladies Estrella Earrings and Mens El Camino Necklace both with diamond stone.

MadPea: Finally, which 2nd prize is waiting for the hunters at the end?

Jon Ree: The entire Estrella and El Camino collection--7 colors!

MadPea: Thank you for the short interview.

How to get started:

Taxi to game:

by Quan Lavender

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where's Wraith Hunt had 3 Winners Today!

Today was the first time, the Where's Wraith Wednesday had 3 Winners. Ami Tamura was the first and won 1.000 Linden. Aneris Allen was the 2nd and won 500 Linden. And Vesper Wildrose made it as No. 3 and received 300 Linden. Here a photo with all three winners in the 1st floor of Collusions, the current hunt location.

Our glad winners from left to right: Vesper Wildrose, Ami Tamura and Aneris Allen

Ami Tamura: yeah
Ami Tamura: ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
Quan Lavender: hey cool shoes
Kiana Writer: new fashion :D
Vesper Wildrose grins
 Aneris Allen: winners's shoes!

Kiana Writer: so honestly.. on a scale 1-10.. how hard was it?
Aneris Allen: not hard, very tiring, lol
Kiana Writer: hahahah good , you do have all week lol
Vesper Wildrose: Well... once I caught on to the second one, it was a breeze. The first one was the hardest.
Aneris Allen: right, phew
Aneris Allen: the 1st was not hard
Ami Tamura: ummm...I think a 5.
Kiana Writer: you did really awesome
Aneris Allen: I went wrong on the 2nd
Kiana Writer: would you like to have more of these 'challenging' ones? :D
Ami Tamura: the hardest part is typing up all of the text.
Vesper Wildrose: I kicked myself there... should have figured out the substitution pattern a lot faster.
Aneris Allen: wel they can all be challenging, variation make them harder

Kiana Writer: well done ladies.. congrats again
Aneris Allen: ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
Kiana Writer: any advice to your fellow hunters?
Vesper Wildrose: Thank you for the fun!
Ami Tamura: ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
Vesper Wildrose: Ummm... stick with it - it gets easier! ;)
Ami Tamura: "google is your friend" :V
Aneris Allen: "concentrate on your task rather than search for cheats"
Vesper Wildrose: It's the sheep. :)
Kiana Writer: ooh good ones,  :D

This beautiful jewelry set can still  be won the whole week
 Come over and have fun doing the Where's Wraith Wednesdsay Hunt until we will have a new location next Wednesday!


3. Where's Wraith Hunt Starts: Collisions

Again it is Wednesday and time for the next Where's Wrath round! Today's destination is Collision.

Here's how the hunt works: 
 - We will announce the Quest start point on our channels (Group chat & notice, Blog and Facebook) at 12pm SLT on Wednesdays.
- You will meet a pea character on that start point. Click it to receive your first clue. The clue takes you on a small quest that will eventually reveal the whereabouts of Wraith.
- Pay attention to the conversations you have with the characters. If you have missed something, you can always restart.

  What are the prizes: 
    -  The first 3 persons to solve the puzzle and find Wraith will win 1000L for the first, 500L for the send and 300 Linden for the third place.  -  Everyone who successfully find him will receive a brand new prize from the creator that we have chosen that week. Today's participating creator is Guen, owner of Collisions.

Collisions is known for great tattoos and jewelry. Todays prize is a jewelry set.

- WHERE'S WRAITH WEDNESDAYS happen each Wednesday from 12PM SLT time lasting for a week.

Come today at 12 PM SLT! The first three hunters will get Linden prizes!

Hunt start here: