Friday, December 28, 2012

The Room 326 Hunt: How to Start?

Welcome to the MadPea Legend of the Month, dear hunter.  You are about to discover the story of The Silent Peacock Hotel and enter the famous room, 326.

The Story:
The Silent Peacock Hotel has been recently closed for an investigation after 15 people have disappeared from their premises. What the people have in common is that they all have spent a night in Room 326.

It's a mystery of how this has happened since the door has been locked and there are no signs of struggle or forced entry. All of the personal belongings of the guests have been untouched.  The local police has been left clueless.

The players will take the role as private investigators to examine the evidence and search for the truth behind the disappearances.

Do you dare to enter Room 326 and discover the evil secrets it holds?

How to play the hunt:

HUD vendor
Buy a HUD at the newspaper dispenser for 50 Linden and wear it.


Before you can begin with the hunt, you must find and enter Room 326 for your introduction to the game. Once you find an important item in the room, your HUD will be activated:

HUD activated

Please understand that this game is a point-and-click treasure hunt. Clicking items will give you clues to advance in the game. Once you click the photo on the HUD, it gives you a hint and a SLURL in local chat to a location where an ENVELOPE has been hidden

Once you find an envelope the photo on the HUD will turn into that. Please note, the ENVELOPES do not give out prizes. You must collect all of them to receive all the prizes at once in the end. When you have all the envelopes, follow the instructions given in the chat to you.

Your ultimate goal is to find 15 envelopes in grid-wide locations eventually taking you to the final game play area where you will be rewarded with 15 high quality prizes.

To HIDE the HUD, simply click the MadPea on top left corner to rotate it.

For extra help ask in MadPeas group chat. You can also IM Clicquot Oh, Glitch Axelrad or Elizabeth Tinsley.

Hunting time: December 28th - January 31st

Hunt start: 12 PM SLT


Be Spooked, Be Mad, Enjoy!


  1. An absolute waste of time and money. What I thought would be fun and interesting turned out to be an excersize in disappointment and frustration. Instead of enjoying the whole experience, it only reinforced my hatred for all SL Hunts; and the worst part is, I had to pay 50L to find this out. Please, don't EVER become involved in developing a Hunt again.

  2. I think the idea and style of the hunt was nice and different.
    But the stores.... making the hints have nothing to do with the " clue " wasted out time and frustrated us all at times, or a particular store changing the location almost every three days.. and again the original clue being almost null then... The point of hunts for me is to find stores I might not otherwise know of.. but if a store deceives me in hunt clues.. wastes my time for 3 hours to 3 days... I make it a VOW never to shop for that designer again.. I do not mind a difficult search but making it so the clue is invalid... is pointless.. THIS HOWEVER has nothing to do with what MAD PEA was trying to do here.. For your side it was wonderfully done.. but again some of the stores are the ones at fault here... not the organizers of the hunt.. so thanks for a wonderful idea.. concept and reward... but yes at least 3 stores will never see my patronage... ever.. take your 3 linden split I spent on the HUD.. that is all you get from me.

  3. The hunt was a great idea, and it looks like the organizers took a lot of time and effort on the backstory. But after spending two hours on EACH of two shops that took up entire sims, I gave up. I know hunts aren't supposed to be easy. But if they're impossible, they defeat the purpose of the hunt: attracting new customers.

  4. Hey guys, I sooo understand the frustration of do no finding the items. But please see the other side. The hunt has almost 3.000 hunters now and many of them are very experienced gamers who are looking for a bit of challenge. We cannot make it too easy. But believe me, our MadPea family loves to share too. I highly recommend to join our inworld group. You find 24/7 a helping hand and will be able finish the hunt. Promised!

  5. Frustrating....some were easy to find, others I still have not found. Then I saw on another site the prize that you got to be kidding, right. 50L for the hunt and you get a crappy prize...never again.

  6. @Anjelikka: Which hunt do you talk about? It cannot be this one! At the 15 locations you look for an item and at the end you 15 great prizes which are almost all posted in this blog: Clothes, tattoos, interior, jewelry, a haunted mansion and much more! Do you call that crappy???

  7. I loved this hunt. I had to ask for help a few (okay several) times, but everyone is always so nice, and the prizes are great! I'm totally hooked on MadPea hunts now. Congrats on a good story, and thanks for keeping it interesting!

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