Sunday, December 2, 2012

Carneval Vendors: Wicked Sin

The Carneval sim is worth more than one closer look. Here we present another nice shop: Wicked Sin. We talk to owner Yuna Khaos:

Yuna Khaos: "I love to be creative and making clothes is on way i get to do it. TO me it is fun to create outfits that people love to wear. i always create something i wear myself with a few exception when someone ask me to create something  else.  I just started my mens line. Which is not very big at the moment but i plan on making it grow.

My store name is a combination of the two place i worked at in SL. Wicked came from the first job i ever had in sl at Club Wicked. Sin came form a designer friend of mine that i helped her in her store and she taught me how ot make clothes. Her store was Sinful Designs. I started my store in January of 2011.

I have my hand in many creative things in sl most only a few people get to see. But I am learning and loving all of it. Like right now i have a dear friend of mine, Deja Letov, teaching me some building things. So i might have a furniture store or homes soon."

Come and visit her shop at the Carneval sim!


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